
Monday 21 May 2012


Class: Nitroimidazole derivative
Mech.: Inhib. DNA synth, degrades DNA, e- acceptor for reduced substrates.

Absorption: Complete, quick oral absorption.
Dist.: Well distrib to all tissues and fluids (including CSF)
Metab.: Hepatic metab.
Excretion, t_:
Toxicity/S.E.s: GI, metallic taste, neurotox (vertigo), disulfiram-like effect w/alcohol, neutropenia. Not for first trimester preg (mutagenic). Not for patients w/active CNS disease or hist. of blood dyscrasias.

Utility: IV treatment of anaerobic infects. Oral for amebiasis, giardiasis, and genital infects of Trichomonas vaginalis. H. pylori (PUD).
Special Features: Antiparasitic and antibacterial activity. All anaerobic cocci and anaerobic gram- bacilli, including Bacterioides. Trichomoniasis, amebiasis, giardiasis.


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