
Monday 28 May 2012

Case Study

After 2 weeks of diarrhea, a 22 year old college female reports to the emergency room feeling faint. She says she recently took a trip to Mexico for spring break and became sick on her last day there. She has now had diarrhea for 2 weeks, with 3 watery bowel movements per day. She denies vomiting. Her mucous membranes are dry, and her capillary refill is 4 seconds. Her respiratory rate is 30 per minute.
What explains her increase respiratory rate?

A.   Anion-gap metabolic acidosis
B.   Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis
C.   Respiratory acidosis
D.   Respiratory alkalosis
E.    Metabolic alkalosis

1 comment:

  1. It is Normal anion gap metabolic acidosis (non anion gap) due to loss of HCO3- in the diarhheal fluids, with a compensatory respiratory alkalosis.

    The most common cause of normal anion gap acidosis is diarrhea. Bicarbonate is lost in the stool causing a decrease in pH and volume. The kidneys compensate by increasing Na and Cl resorption. Increased serum chloride compensates for lost bicarbonate and normalizes the anion gap.

    Anion gap is AG = Na – (Cl + HCO3).
    A normal anion gap is 8-12 mEq/L .

    Other causes of normal anion gap metabolic acidosis include renal tubular acidosis, hyperalimentation, and the use of acetozolamide.

    A – Anion-gap metabolic acidosis is caused by several mechanisms. Remember the mnemonic MUDPILES (methanol, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis, propylene glycol, isoniazid, lactic acidosis, ethylene glycol, salicylates).

    C – Respiratory acidosis is caused by hypoventilation. Some causes include: COPD, Obesity hypoventilation syndrome, and neuromuscular disorders (i.e. – myasthenia gravis, Guillain-BarrĂ© syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

    D – Respiratory alkalosis is caused by hyperventilation. The most common cause is anxiety. Other causes include stroke, fever, pregnancy, and asthma.

    E – Metabolic alkalosis is caused several mechanisms, the most common being vomiting.
    Conn’s syndrome, contraction alkalosis, hypokalemia, and increased intake of sodium bicarbonate are being the most of the metabolic acidosis.
